Green Belt

The green belt that runs through the BFRA territory has been secured as an arboretum and bird sanctuary. We work continuously to manage and protect this wild retreat in the very heart of the city.

A river runs through it. We are fortunate to have a river running right through our suburb. The Ferndale Spruit is an important resource for the area as it attracts and sustains a wide variety of bird life (including guinea fowl, kingfishers and raptors), as well as small animals such as yellow mongoose, rodents and snakes.

The N1 freeway bush area

This area is approximately 250,000 square metres in extent and is owned by national government. It has been secured with palisade fencing at the request of the community for security purposes. No vagrancy or squatting is tolerated. Government intends to either dispose of this land to the private sector or develop the land for residential housing.

The Bird Sanctuary

This area runs from Cedar Road along the river to Fleet Street. As the name suggests, this area is home to a variety of different bird species. Access is restricted at all times.

The Arboretum

The meaning of this description is “The place of trees” – if you join the monthly hike you will see why. The arboretum is fenced and protected.

The potential of the river and the green belt has not been fully exploited. The BFRA committee plans to keep this treasure as environmentally green and natural as possible so that future generations can experience and enjoy nature in a city environment.

The committee partners with City Parks, SAPS, JMPD as well as other private organisations to achieve this aim.


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072 341 1905


Or WhatsApp (072) 341 1905
