Government building plans in Bryanfern

Gauteng Department of Housing had earmarked certain parcels of state-owned land in Bryanfern for high density housing developments.

Dear Bryanfern Residents,

As per previous notices and communications, the RLRP proposal for building high-density government housing on vacant government land in Bryanston EXT3 is proceeding with its due process.

At the beginning of February rezoning notices were put up on the various properties.

All residents now need to object or raise their concerns as part of the rezoning process.

The BFRA Committee has drafted 4 objection letters highlighting major concerns.
There are 4 letters to match the 4 pockets of land (erven) proposed for development.

We request that every home owner fill in each of the 4 objection letters and directly send them through to all the email addresses listed on the letters.

Please copy us on so we have a record. The letters can be edited, so feel free to add your own comments as needed.

Tenants are appealed to please inform and request the landlord (home owner) to object.

‼️Deadline for objection submissions: Tuesday, 2 March 2021 at close of business. ‼️


Bryanston B. Erven 3975, 3976, 3977, 3978


Bryanston C(1). Erven 3932, 3933, & 3935


Bryanston C(2). Erven 3938


Bryanston D. Erven 3927 & 3947

What to know more?

Fill in the form below or WhatsApp us  

Whatsapp Number

072 341 1905


Or WhatsApp (072) 341 1905
